英文短篇阅读第十一篇:莫泊桑 《项链》第3节

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-18 23:00:13


The next day she went to her friend and told her of her distress. Madame Forestier went to a wardrobe with a mirror, took out a large jewel box, brought it back, opened it and said to Madame Loisel: “Choose, my dear.” 

She saw first some bracelets, then a pearl necklace, then a Venetian gold cross set with precious stones, of admirable workmanship. She tried on the ornaments before the mirror, hesitated and could not make up her mind to part with them, to give them back. She kept asking: “Haven’t you any more?” 

Why, yes. Look further; I don’t know what you like.” 

*distress  不幸;贫困

*wardrobe  衣柜

*workmanship 手艺;工艺

*make up one's mind to do sth 下定决心做某事 

*Why 【感叹词】嗨!噢!啊唷! [表示惊讶、不耐烦、愤慨等的感叹词,或用于说话前不自觉说出的口头语]


伏来士洁太太向着她那座嵌着镜子的大衣柜跟前走过去,取出一个大的盒子,带过来打开向骆塞尔太太说: “你自己选吧,亲爱的。” 



Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace, and her heart throbbed with an immoderate desire. Her hands trembled as she took it. She fastened it round her throat, outside her high-necked waist, and was lost in ecstasy at her reflection in the mirror. Then she asked, hesitating, filled with anxious doubt: “Will you lend me this, only this?” 

“Why, yes, certainly.” 

She threw her arms round her friend’s neck, kissed her passionately, then fled with her treasure. 

*satin 绸缎

*superb 极好的;华丽的

*throb with  伴随着……的悸动

*immoderate  无节制的;过度的

*tremble 颤抖

*fasten  系牢;扣紧

*high-necked 高领的

*waist  女士衬衫(相当于blouse)

*ecstasy 狂喜

*passionately 热情地


后来,她带看满腔的顾虑迟疑地问道: “你能够借这东西给我吗,我只借这一件?” 



The night of the ball arrived. Madame Loisel was a great success. She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant, graceful, smiling and wild with joy. All the men looked at her, asked her name, sought to be introduced. All the attaches of the Cabinet wished to waltz with her. She was remarked by the minister himself. 

She danced with rapture, with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness comprised of all this homage, admiration, these awakened desires and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman’s heart. 

*present 出席的

*sought (seek过去分词)

seek to do 力争; 争取

*attache 专员

*waltz with 与...跳华尔兹 

*rapture 兴高采烈

*intoxicated 沉醉的

*comprised of 由...组成

*homage 敬意



She left the ball about four o’clock in the morning. Her husband had been sleeping since midnight in a little deserted anteroom with three other gentlemen whose wives were enjoying the ball. He threw over her shoulders the wraps he had brought, the modest wraps of common life, the poverty of which contrasted with the elegance of the ball dress. She felt this and wished to escape so as not to be remarked by the other women, who were enveloping themselves in costly furs. Loisel held her back, saying: “Wait a bit. You will catch cold outside. I will call a cab.”

*deserted anteroom 废弃的接待室

*He threw over her shoulders the wraps he had brought

wrap 外衣

threw over her shoulders the wraps表示他把外衣披到她肩膀上。he had brought是省略的that的定语从句,修饰the wraps.

*modest 端庄的;不贵的

*contrast with 与...相对比

*enveloping themselves in costly furs用昂贵的皮草裹住自己。

envelope 包裹;裹住

costly 昂贵的



骆塞尔牵住了她: “等着吧。你到外面会受寒。我去找一辆出租的街车来吧。” 

But she did not listen to him and rapidly descended the stairs. When they reached the street they could not find a carriage and began to look for one, shouting after the cabmen passing at a distance. 

They went toward the Seine in despair, shivering with cold. At last they found on the quay one of those ancient night cabs which, as though they were ashamed to show their shabbiness during the day, are never seen round Paris until after dark. 

It took them to their dwelling in the Rue des Martyrs, and sadly they mounted the stairs to their flat. All was ended for her. As to him, he reflected that he must be at the ministry at ten o’clock that morning. 

*descend 下降;下去

*Seine 塞纳河(法国北部河流,流经巴黎)

*shivering 颤抖的

*quay 码头

*be ashamed to do 做某事是难为情的 

*shabbiness 衣衫褴褛

*dwelling 住处




She removed her wraps before the glass so as to see herself once more in all her glory. But suddenly she uttered a cry. She no longer had the necklace around her neck! 

“What is the matter with you?” demanded her husband, already half undressed

She turned distractedly toward him. “I have—I have—I’ve lost Madame Forestier’s necklace,” she cried. 

He stood up, bewildered. “What!—how? Impossible!” 

*demand 询问

*undressed 不穿衣服的

*distractedly 心烦意乱地

*bewildered 困惑的


她丈夫这时候已经脱了一半衣裳,连忙问: “你有点怎样?” 

她发痴似地转过身来向着他: “我已经……我已经……我现在找不着伏来士洁太太那串项链了。” 



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