英语干货 跟着“舌尖”中的美食翻译学英文菜名

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-18 23:00:13


第四集 《相逢》Encounters美味菜名双语对照

小鸡炖蘑菇 Stewed chick with mushroom

烩南北 Stewed mushrooms with winter bamboo shoots

重庆火锅 Chongqing hot pot
北京涮肉火锅 Beijing instant-boiled sliced mutton hot pot
云南菌子火锅 Yunnan mushroom hot pot
潮汕牛肉火锅 Chaoshan beef hot pot
鸡蛋仔 Egg puff
粉圆 Tapioca Pearls
烤香肠 Toasted sausage
葡式焗扇贝 Portuguese-style baked scallops
豆腐蒸桂花鱼 Steamed mandarin fish with tofu
金汤水煮鳜鱼 Stewed mandarin fish in pumpkin soup
水煮海鲜 Poached seafood
盆菜 Poon choi / basin meal
西湖醋鱼 West Lake fish in sweet and sour sauce
鲤鱼焙面 Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles
开封灌汤包 Kaifeng soup dumplings
杭州小笼包 Hangzhou soup dumplings
片儿川 Noodles with preserved vegetable
罗宋汤 Borscht
炸猪排 Fried pork chop
牛肉球 Steamed beef ball
纳仁 Stewed mutton with noodles
大盘鸡 Saute spicy chicken with potatoes
架子肉 Meat roasted on skewer
烤包子 Roasted stuffed bun
拉条子 Xinjiang noodles
上海桂花糕 Shanghai osmanthus cake
红烧牛肉面 Braised beef noodles
壳菜肉/淡菜 Dried mussel meat

《舌尖上的中国2》第六集《秘境》 Realm of Secrets 美味菜名双语对照

酸辣华子鱼 Hot and sour Amur ide

沙蟹汁 Ghost crab extract

韭花酱 Leek flower sauce

羊肚包肉 Roasted mutton wrapped in lamb tripe

红柳枝烤羊肉 Roasted mutton cubes on rose willow branch

手抓羊肉 Boiled mutton / Mutton eaten with hands

馕 Xinjiang naan

清蒸石斑鱼 Steamed grouper

清蒸鱼干 Steamed dried fish

清蒸虾干 Steamed dried shrimps

炒鸡枞 Fried termite mushroom


煎饼果子 Pancake rolled with crisp fritter

面窝 Chinese doughnut

三鲜豆皮 Seafood tofu

热干面 Hot-and-dry noodles

艇仔粥 Tingzai porridge

肠粉 Steamed vermicelli roll

干蒸烧卖 Siu Mai (Steamed pork dumplings)

榴莲酥 Crispy durian cake

虾饺 Steamed shrimp dumpling

咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg

剁椒蒸鱼头 Steamed fish head with peppers

蒿子粑粑 Crown daisy rice cake

干子烧肉 Braised dried tofu with pork

时蔬彩虹蛋糕 Seasonal vegetables rainbow cake

冰皮月饼 Snow skin mooncake

生煎包 Pan-fried bun stuffed with pork

锅盔 Guokwei/ Dried bun

豌杂面 Noodles with peas and meat sauce

麻辣鸡 Chicken with cayenne pepper

酸木瓜煮鱼 Stewed fish with pickled papaya

爆炒见手青 Stir-fried Jian-Shou-Qing mushrooms















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