
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

校园中银装素裹。院子里,屋顶上全都披上了厚厚的白色。花坛里,树木也披上了一层雪白,仿佛绿色糖果中留出白色的奶油,让人见了,真想咬一口。“下雪了,下雪了!”小朋友们异常兴奋,纷纷跑出教室在雪地中跳来跳去,发出“咯吱吱”的声音。不到一会儿,雪地里便留下一只只可爱的小脚印。他们不管雪有多冰冷,滚起了雪人,打起了雪仗。雪地中的校园充满了欢声笑语。.The campus is wrapped in silver. In the courtyard, the roof was covered with thick white. In the flower bed, the trees also put on a layer of white, as if there is white cream in the green candy, let people see, really want to take a bite. ` It's snowing, it's snowing! "The children were extremely excited and rushed out of the classroom 


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